Wednesday 28 August 2013

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task

Below is the script of our preliminary task and the video we have created of our preliminary task.

(Story: A young girl walks into a classroom and sits down, she spots a young man that she instantly feels attracted to and begins to make awkward conversation with him...)

Girl: (walks into the room, sits down and glances at the boy) : Hi!
Boy: (looking up from book) : Err... Hello.
Girl: (apprehensively) : I don't know about you but I haven't got a clue what to do for Miss.Jones maths homework... do you?
Boy: NO! I don't... maybe we can work o it together?
Girl:Yeah, okay that sounds great... who's place? yours or mine?
Boy: Umm... maybe here, right now... in the library?
Girl: Ohh yeah of course... um... lets get to work
boy: Okay question one... 243 X 6...
Girl: Umm... if I knew the answer I wouldn't be asking you for help would I?

Preliminary task video

This preliminary task it beneficial to our progression in this work as it provides us with something to expand a learn from. The preliminary task also helps us as it is like a practice run with using the cameras, editing etc. We practice different camera angles and shots as well as many different editing techniques, the new techniques we learn will benefit our final production. This task was completed in school.

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